ice climbing gear

The Ultimate Guide to Alpine Climbing

From the basics of alpine climbing to the gear preparation to the alpine training required, check out our guide on all you need to know to be an alpine climber.

Alpine climbing is an ancient mountain sport that has been around for centuries. It’s a sport that’s diverse in its scope, encompassing many different styles of climbing and approaches to tackling difficult mountainsides.

Join us as we explore the history of alpine climbing, the definition of alpine climbing, the equipment you’ll need when doing it and finally where are some great destinations to go if you want to try this exciting sport!

ice climbing from the top

Alpine Climbing – What is It?

The term alpine most likely comes from the Alps region where most people do alpine climbing but Alpine can be used as a catch-all word referring to any form of mountain climbing that includes crossing over glaciers or ice fields.

History of Alpine Climbing

The term alpinism was first coined by Charles Jacot Guillarmod in 1897. However alpine climbing has been around for much longer than that. There are many different styles of alpinism, all with their own traditions and techniques. However, despite the diversity in alpinism, it is still considered one single sport due to its shared history, landscape and culture surrounding mountain climbing.

How does Alpine Climbing Work

Alpine Climbing is typically done with specialised gear like climbing axes and crampons on your feet which will help your feet grip on icy slopes. These tools can and should be purchased, but also an option to be rented at local stores near alpine/rocky areas (like REI) and alpine climbing outfitters.

best ice climbing clothing and gear - How does Alpine Climbing Work
best ice climbing harness and gear

Alpine Climbing Equipment

Before you head out for a day of alpine rock climbing it’s important to have all the right gear with you. If you are thinking about rope climbs then be sure to have extra carabiners and slings on hand as well as quickdraws if you are climbing with cams. If you are ice climbing, having the appropriate boots will keep you warm and dry throughout the climb.

There are a few essentials you’ll need to make sure you pack before heading out on your adventure! These include things like ropes, ice climbing harnesses, helmet, carabiners, ice axes and crampons or snowshoes if it’s an alpine climb during wintertime instead of summer.

ice climbing gear - Alpine Climbing Equipment

Types of Alpine Climbing

There are many types of alpine climbs you can do, depending on your skill level and knowledge in this area. Some popular ones include rock climbing, bouldering, ice climbing (icefall), mixed/dry tooling & mountaineering.

Alpine Climbing Skills and Technique

Alpine climbing is a very technical type of activity that requires you to have the right skills and techniques to be successful. Alpine rock climbers need strong upper body strength as well as good coordination, balance and route-finding ability in order to safely ascend rocks with steep slopes. Climbing on ice will also require you have an understanding of how your crampons should fit properly or else they can become quite dangerous! We recommend learning more about different types of alpine climbs before attempting one if this is new to you.

Types of Terrain

Some key points for those wanting to learn more include: steeper terrain requires greater use of ropes; falling onto hard snow may cause serious injury since it doesn’t compress like soft snow does; ices axes are used as anchors when mixed climbing; and ices picks are used to climb icefalls.

Weather and Snow Conditions

Another important aspect of alpine climbing includes weather or snow conditions which can be extremely unpredictable in these areas. It’s a good idea to check the forecast before heading out on your next adventure! Ice climbing is a winter activity and it’s best done in an area with hard ice and snow. Ice or mixed routes can be climbed throughout the year, but most alpine climbs are only accessible during summertime when there isn’t much snow on the ground!

Top Destinations For Alpine Climbing

With places like Yosemite Valley or Banff National Park being at the top of many peoples lists when it comes to alpine/rocky areas, they certainly deserve a shoutout! But today we want to share with our audience some lesser-known but still amazing alpine destinations from around the world: 

Torres Del Paine

Located in Patagonia Chile these alpine mountains are steep and rugged. This alpine destination is a climber’s dream! There are alpine routes for all skill levels from easy to very difficult.

Jotunheimen National Park

Located in Norway this alpine national park offers some of the most amazing views you’ll ever see as well as world class alpine rock climbing opportunities that will leave you breathless after each climb! Makalu

Barun Conservation Area

If you’re looking for an area that has plenty of wildlife, incredible landscapes and challenging alpine climbs, then look no further than Nepal. With peaks such as Mt Everest, Lhotse & Nuptse making up part of the landscape, there’s certainly something here for everyone!

Mountainous areas like alpine climbing destinations offer some of the best views that nature has to offer and alpine climbing is a great way to experience them!

Alpine Climbing Tips for Beginners

It might take some time to wrap your head around this type of adventure sport if you’re new to it. Here are some tips that will help you get started:

  • Alpine rock climbers should wear shoes that have sticky rubber soles
  • Gripping onto small edges often requires sharp edged tools like pointy crampons
  • Be patient while learning how to make an anchor and use proper rope techniques for protection (e.g., rappelling, belaying)
  • Good knowledge of knots is important for winter climbing
  • Carry a first aid kit with you on all climbs to treat any injuries that may occur while alpine rock climbing.
ice climbing from afar

Alpine Climbing Workouts and Training: What’s Needed?

Depending on what alpine climbing you’re looking to do, the training will vary in intensity. If you’re only alpine hiking (using a walking stick) then some cardio exercises like running or cycling would be all that is needed to get ready for this type of adventure.

However, if you are thinking about alpine rock climbing, then strength training will play an important role in helping build up arm/leg muscles as well as strengthening fixed connections between joints such as ankles and knees. It’s also important not to forget core workouts which help with balance when trying difficult moves high above the ground!

Alpine Climbing Grades

The grading system is a numerical system that alpine climbers use to grade the difficulties of climbs. There are many different scales used depending on what country you’re in, but they all generally follow this same concept: 

  • Grade I – Easy Hiking; + Grade II/III – Moderate climbing where protection and belays may be necessary; 
  • Grade IV & V+HARDER STILL! Protection or anchors can fail so great care has to be taken here by experienced alpine climbers. Rock fall danger increases as well.; +Grade VI and Above: Only for those who have previous experience with these types of climbs and should know how far their limits go before attempting such activities.

Alpine Climbing Costs

Alpine rock climbing can be a fairly expensive adventure sport to start out with, but there are many different forms of alpine climbs that won’t cost as much. Roped and unroped scrambles in mountainous terrain are essentially free if you have the proper gear already!

Alpine hiking or walking sticks only require some cardio training beforehand which makes this an inexpensive way to get into alpine climbing without putting any hole in your wallet. Ice Climbing requires considerably more equipment due to its use of tools like crampons, ice axes, harnesses etc., so it’s often considered one of the most costly types of alpine climbs along with technical mixed routes which utilize both rock and ice portions during ascent.

Prices and rates also vary depending on where you’re climbing. In the alps, most routes will be around 30 Euros per person, but for more remote climbs in places like Kyrgyzstan, you can expect to pay upwards of 100 Euros or even higher!

Finding an alpine climbing guide

There are alpine climbing schools located all over the world that can help you get started with alpine rock climbing. Some places will even offer courses for alpining beginners who have no experience at all!

The best option is to find a guidebook or alpinist magazine and do some research online about which ones would be most suitable depending on your location, preferred route type etc.

Once you’ve got everything together (e.g., proper gear, clothing), it’s time to set out and plan your first alpine climb! You should know what types of routes may suit you prior to setting off so make sure if there’s any doubt in your knowledge; consult someone who knows better than yourself beforehand!

After finding a reputable school/guide service, it’s time to set out on your first alpine climb! You should know what route types may suit you prior to setting off so make sure if there’s any doubt in your knowledge; consult someone who knows better than yourself beforehand!. Once picked, look through alpinist magazines and find the guide services which can help you get started.

Alpine rock climbing can be dangerous but great exercise with many health benefits for those who partake of this sport. It requires strength training as well as balance exercises to get ready for a high ropes course or mountain top.

Lydia Yang

Lydia Yang

Lydia Yang is a Singaporean city girl who decided to ditch her high heels for hiking boots and become a full-time traveller and digital nomad. She has been to almost 60 countries to date! She has a knack for adventure travel, especially rock climbing, and always hunts down the best climbing spots around the world. Check out her expert advice on the best outdoor crags to climb at or what workouts to improve your climbing performance.

Articles: 256

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