outdoor bouldering crags

What are bouldering mats made of

Before you plan that outdoor climbing trip or build your own home climbing gym, one commonly asked question boulderers or climbers wonder is what is the substance and material of a bouldering mat that makes it what it is - spongy and a good resistance to having nice and safe landings.

Before you plan that outdoor climbing trip or build your own home climbing gym, one commonly asked question boulderers or climbers wonder is what is the substance and material of a bouldering mat that makes it what it is – spongy and a good resistance to having nice and safe landings.

outdoor bouldering crags

Materials Of A Climbing Mat

Crash pads can be made from a plethora of different specialized materials. The recovery is usually made of ballistic nylon or polyester, but some pads may include special features like a detachable carpet to wipe your climbing shoes clean or rubberized corners to stop the climbing pad from sliding on uneven terrain.

Inside the bouldering mats, there is foam, usually made of polyurethane, that stops your fall and lets you keep climbing another day. This foam is divided into closed-cell foam, stiffer and to stop bigger falls, and open-cell foam, which is softer and helps to absorb the impact of the fall. Each type of foam complements the other and stops you from “bottoming-out” or having a stiff landing on the crash pad.

Lydia Yang

Lydia Yang

Lydia Yang is a Singaporean city girl who decided to ditch her high heels for hiking boots and become a full-time traveller and digital nomad. She has been to almost 60 countries to date! She has a knack for adventure travel, especially rock climbing, and always hunts down the best climbing spots around the world. Check out her expert advice on the best outdoor crags to climb at or what workouts to improve your climbing performance.

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