Thirty and Thriving – Why that can be You too | The 30 Edition

Hush, here are some secrets to crossing to the 30s without breaking a sweat. Life is so hard on the aging, but guess what, it only gets better.

The year is passing so quickly as the months disappear off one by one.

Having turned 30 a few years ago, and finding myself happy, contented and prepared to face the next 5-10 years, here are some secrets to how to embrace your 30s and set some targets to achieving your dreams in your life.

Enjoying the best the world has to offer | Pursue your Dreams and Passions
Enjoying the best the world has to offer | Pursue your Dreams and Passions

1. Pursue your Passion no matter how busy

Yes, it’s easy to say you want to be passionate, but can you still protect the time for your passions even when the going gets tough.

In fact, in the tough times, the more you should hold on to your passions as they are a reminder to you what it means to be alive and having something real and tangible that you love doing. Don’t let busyness or self-justified societal responsibilities be the excuse you give to neglect your passions. Coz when the time comes you grow old and realise you have not enjoyed what you spend the bulk of your time doing, nobody is going to console you or tell you it was the right decision.

Set 3 Goals all the time and strive for them | Dream motivation
Set 3 Goals all the time and strive for them | Dream motivation

Coz it is your life, your actions and your outcomes that you have to live with. And everyone has their own to be accountable for.

2. Surround yourself with incredible people who you admire and want to be like

Ditch the complainers and whiners.

There are too many coffee sessions where people are just complaining about their jobs, their partners or life day in and out without making any conscientious effort to change it for the better. Don’t surround yourself with such people, they will only drag you down.

Enjoying the best the world has to offer | Pursue your Dreams and Passions
Enjoying the best the world has to offer | Pursue your Dreams and Passions

Find people who are passionate/ positive thinking and aspiring, and chase your dreams alongside them. They are the ones who will remind you to press on, kick you in the ass when you need some pushing, and also empathize with you when you hit a wall in the process. But most importantly, they are people running the same track as you, daring to pursue instead of just saying dormant and safe.

Read more about Lydia Yang, the founder of LydiaScapes Travel Blog.

3. Look to a higher being/ purpose

If you live your life with the understanding that everything that happens to you is within your control and jurisdiction, you will find yourself immensely disappointed some day, and in the process, even get disillusioned.

Life is so intricate and complex and soulful, that it is hard living for yourself without comprehending a higher being watching over all of us, and that the world is beyond what we can comprehend. Everybody will face moments in your life that you get carried away by what you want to pursue or you think at that moment, that its easy to lose track of your purpose.

At the top of the mountain captivated by the beauty of the landscape | Mount Pulag in Philippines
At the top of the mountain captivated by the beauty of God’s creation | Mount Pulag in the Philippines

But if you believe in a higher being who is much greater/ wiser and all knowing then us, when situations we face get out of our control and hands, instead of losing your mind and all hope, we can safely remember that there is someone up there overseeing everything and that everything that we go through, whether good or bad, is just part of the journey to discovering yourself better and what you are created on this earth to do. Not just be a living being making money and being self-sustaining, but that there is more to life than just what meets the eye.

4. Set little yearly goals and milestones to hit

If you don’t set them, you wouldn’t strive hard enough to get nearer to them.

Sometimes it’s not just about hitting it to check it off the list, but more to set it as a difficult target that you need to get out of your comfort zone and strive harder to achieve.

Constantly working on the go| Work Hard and Earn your Sweet Reward
Constantly working on the go| Work Hard and Earn your Sweet Reward

And when you do achieve it, the reward is so sweet and satisfying. To hit a target that you felt so unattainable and faced with so many rejections/ stings in between, but now transforms into sweet rich honey from the comb.

Want to learn how to earn money and travel more? Here’s some top tips to follow

5. Travel more and see the world

I cannot emphasize further how important the spirit of travelling, exploring and discovering is. It expands your mind, heightens your senses and changes your heart.

Each new travel experience with people I love or on my own always leaves me astonished, reflective and thoughtful about the world, the fascinating people of all kinds, and the majestic nature that overwhelms our small beings.

Hot Air Balloon Memories | how to follow your heart and chase your goals
Hot Air Balloon Memories | how to follow your heart and chase your goals

Travel opens our hearts and humbles us. And we all need a bit of humbling and inspiration once a while.

Need more inspiration? Read about these top inspiring travel bloggers.

6. Train Patience and Grit

This is critical.

Life will always be disappointing you with the progress you are making, or how tough it is to reach your expectations and goals.

But the journey hardens and softens you. Breaks and builds you up. Cut, sharpen and polishes you, and it will hurt.

Training Patience and Grit | if you can dream it you can do it
Training Patience and Grit | if you can dream it you can do it

But the process of that is that you emerge more resilient to hardship, sharpen your patience metre and teaches you to learn to let nature takes its course in due time.

No rushing to find a spouse, no rushing to have children, no rushing to make rash decisions. Everything good will come out of it in due time, but not with impatience and frustration.

So with that, I think that’s just some little antidotes of how to embrace the big 30, knowing you are no longer a young striving adult, but one much tougher, steadier and knows what he/ she wants. And that is highly attractive.

full time traveller and adventurer lydia yang

What step are you taking to help you overcome your biggest road block?

digital nomad lifestyle
Lydia Yang

Lydia Yang

Lydia Yang is a Singaporean city girl who decided to ditch her high heels for hiking boots and become a full-time traveller and digital nomad. She has been to almost 60 countries to date! She has a knack for adventure travel, especially rock climbing, and always hunts down the best climbing spots around the world. Check out her expert advice on the best outdoor crags to climb at or what workouts to improve your climbing performance.

Articles: 256

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