pull up climbing grips

Complete Guide to Buying Grip Strengtheners

We know how crucial a strong grip is for climbing those rugged mountains, lifting weights, or just carrying out everyday activities with ease. 

The stronger your grip is, the easier time you will have exploring the world and partaking in these activities. That’s why we’ve put together this all-encompassing guide to help you find the perfect grip strengthener to suit your needs! 

wooden pull up grips in gym

Below, we’ll share everything we know about finding the best grip strengthener possible so you can get out there and explore. 

The Benefits of Grip Strength

First off, what exactly is grip strength? Simply put, it’s the force applied by your hands to pull or suspend something. 

There are three main types of grips: 

  • Crushing (think handshakes)
  • Pinching (using your fingers and thumb)
  • Supporting (holding onto something for a long time)
horizontal campus boards

To figure out where you stand, there are tools like hand dynamometers that measure your grip strength to help you set tangible goals for improvement.

Now, you might be wondering, “Why do I need to worry about my grip strength?” Good question! Here are some of the top benefits of using a grip strengthener regularly:

Enhanced Overall Strength

Grip strength plays a crucial role in almost every upper-body exercise. By using a grip strengthener, you work to enhance your hand and forearm strength, which can lead to an improvement in your performance across various exercises. 

Having greater grip strength makes it easier to lift heavier weights in exercises such as deadlifts, pull-ups, and rows, contributing to increased muscle mass and overall strength.

Complete Guide to Buying Grip Strengtheners | male climber in red looking focused in climbing gym

Improved Sports Performance

Many sports, including rock climbing, golf, tennis, and baseball, require strong and enduring grip strength. Regularly using a grip strengthener can enhance your performance in these activities, providing better control, precision, and endurance. 

Better Endurance

A stronger grip enhances your endurance during exercises and activities that require you to hold onto something for extended periods. 

Whether you are carrying heavy grocery bags, doing pull-ups, or climbing, a stronger grip means that your hands and forearms are less likely to tire out quickly, enabling you to perform better and for longer durations.

Reduced Risk of Injuries

Having a strong grip helps stabilize your wrist and hand joints, potentially reducing the risk of injuries. It’s especially important as we age since grip strength tends to decrease, leading to difficulties in performing everyday tasks. 

Regularly using a grip strengthener can contribute to maintaining hand strength and dexterity, promoting better joint health, and reducing the risk of conditions such as arthritis and tendonitis.

Enhanced Finger Dexterity

Musicians, artists, and individuals who engage in activities requiring precise finger movements can benefit greatly from using a grip strengthener. It helps in improving finger strength and dexterity, ensuring smoother and more controlled movements. 

This can contribute to better performance, whether it’s playing a musical instrument, painting, or any other activity requiring fine motor skills.

Improved Hand and Finger Coordination

Using a grip strengthener can also enhance hand-eye coordination, as it requires focused and controlled movements. This improved coordination can translate to better performance in sports, musical endeavors, and daily tasks, ensuring smoother and more efficient movements.

Stress Relief

Squeezing a grip strengthener can have a stress-relieving effect, as it provides a physical outlet for tension. These tools can sometimes even simulate meditation, as you must focus on the task and do it over and over. This can sometimes help reduce stress and calm your mind. 

Recovery and Rehab

For individuals recovering from hand or forearm injuries, using a grip strengthener can aid in the rehabilitation process. It helps in regaining strength and mobility in a controlled and gradual manner. 

However, it’s important to consult with a healthcare professional or physical therapist before incorporating grip strength exercises into a recovery regimen.

Types of Grip Strengtheners

There are a few different types of grip strengtheners to choose from. Here are some pros and cons about each of these devices. 

Spring-Loaded Devices

Spring-loaded devices usually consist of two handles connected by a spring or other resistance mechanism. You squeeze the handles together to work out your grip.

using black grip strengthener


  • Adjustable resistance in many models
  • Specific measurement of strength improvement
  • Sturdy and durable


  • Can be bulky
  • Might not be as portable as other options

Hand Extensors

Hand extensors are designed to strengthen the extensor muscles in your hands and fingers, providing balance to the forearm muscles. They often look like a set of rings or a flat band that you stretch out using your fingers.


  • Great for preventing muscle imbalances
  • Light and very portable


  • Might not provide as intense a workout as some other options

Finger Strengtheners

Finger strengtheners are designed to isolate and strengthen individual fingers. They usually have separate buttons or levers for each finger.


  • Targeted strengthening
  • Good for musicians, climbers, and other activities requiring finger dexterity


  • Might not provide as comprehensive a workout for the whole hand

Grip Rings and Balls

Grip rings and balls are made of soft, pliable materials and are shaped like rings or balls. You simply squeeze them in your hand to strengthen your grip over time.

attached wooden climbing grips


  • Low cost
  • Portable
  • Great for stress relief as well as strength-building


  • Resistance might not be adjustable
  • Can wear out over time

Adjustable Hand Grippers

Adjustable hand grippers are a variation of the spring-loaded devices, but with the ability to adjust resistance. You just squeeze the handles together to build your strength.


  • Resistance can be adjusted as your grip improves
  • Sturdy and durable


  • Can be more expensive
  • Might be larger in size

Choosing the Right Grip Strengthener

There are a few different factors to consider when buying a grip strengthener. Here are some of the top things to look at. 

Assess Your Needs

Before you dive into purchasing a grip strengthener, it’s vital to take a step back and assess your current grip strength. Ask yourself what specific areas you are looking to improve. 

Are you a rock climber needing a stronger crushing grip? Or perhaps a musician aiming to enhance finger dexterity? Identifying your unique needs will guide your decision-making process. 

Plus, setting clear and achievable goals is crucial. Knowing what success looks like for you will not only inform your choice but also serve as a source of motivation throughout your grip-strengthening journey.

Adjustable Resistance

A grip strengthener with adjustable resistance is invaluable. This feature enables you to gradually increase the difficulty of your exercises, ensuring that the tool remains useful as your grip gets stronger. 

It promotes a safer progression of strength training, minimizing the risk of injury due to overexertion. Plus, adjustable resistance adds a layer of versatility to the tool, making it suitable for individuals at various strength levels. 

This is particularly advantageous if the strengthener will be used by multiple people or if you plan on recommending it to friends.

Durability and Material

Durability should be high on your list of priorities when choosing a grip strengthener. Opt for products made from robust materials that promise a long lifespan, even with consistent use. 

Equally important is the comfort of the material. Since the strengthener will be in direct contact with your hands, it should feel good to hold and not cause any discomfort, ensuring that you stay motivated to use it regularly.

climbing hangboard grip with both hands

Here are the most common materials used to make grip strengtheners and their details:

  • Metal: Metal is typically used for the frame and springs of grip strengtheners, providing a sturdy and long-lasting structure. While metal parts ensure the strengthener’s longevity, they can feel cold and hard in the hand, which might be uncomfortable for some users.
  • Foam and Rubber: Handles are often covered with foam or rubber to provide a comfortable grip. These materials also offer a better grip, ensuring that the strengthener doesn’t slip out of your hand during use. However, foam and rubber can wear down over time, especially with frequent use.
  • Plastic: Some grip strengtheners might have components made of plastic, making them lighter and more portable. Generally, models with more plastic components might be more affordable. However, they might not be as durable as fully metal options, especially if the plastic is of a lower quality.

Ergonomic Design

An ergonomically designed grip strengthener can significantly enhance your exercise experience. It should fit comfortably in your hand, ensuring that you can use it effectively and without risk of injury. 

User-friendliness is another aspect of ergonomic design, ensuring that the tool is straightforward and enjoyable to use, promoting consistency in your grip-strengthening routine.

Size and Portability

Portability is a key factor, especially if you’re someone who is always on the move. A compact and lightweight grip strengthener ensures that you can bring your workout tool wherever you go, helping you stay on top of your routine. 

Also, consider the storage requirements of the strengthener. A compact design means that it won’t demand much space, ensuring that it can be easily tucked away when not in use.


The price of grip strengtheners can vary widely depending on the materials used, the brand, the features offered, and where you purchase them. Here’s a general breakdown:

  • Budget Options ($5 – $15): You can find basic models within this price range, often made with more plastic components. These models might be less durable and offer fewer features, but they can still be effective for beginners or those with lighter grip training needs.
  • Mid-Range Options ($15 – $30): In this price range, you can find grip strengtheners with a better build quality, possibly incorporating more metal and durable rubber or foam for the handles. Some might offer adjustable resistance, providing better value for money as your grip strength improves.
  • Premium Options ($30 and up): Premium options are typically made with high-quality materials and have a robust construction. They might offer additional features such as ergonomic designs, adjustable resistance, or built-in counters to track your repetitions. These models are designed to be long-lasting and are often backed by strong brand reputations and warranties.

Using Your Grip Strengthener Effectively

Once you’ve bought the right grip strengthener for you, here are some of our top tips from experience on how to use it effectively. 

Use Proper Form

Just like any other form of exercise, using proper form when working with a grip strengthener is essential. Make sure you’re gripping the tool correctly and that your hand and wrist are in a neutral position. 

Avoid bending your wrist during the exercise, as this can lead to strain and potential injury.

Consistency is Key

For noticeable improvements, regular use of your grip strengthener is necessary. Establishing a routine that you can stick to will help you stay consistent. Even just a few minutes a day can lead to significant progress over time.

Gradually Increase Resistance

As your grip strength improves, it’s important to gradually increase the resistance on your grip strengthener to continue challenging your muscles. If your tool has adjustable resistance, make use of this feature to ensure that your workouts remain effective.

Incorporate Into Everyday Activities

Look for opportunities to practice grip strength in your daily life. Activities like carrying groceries, opening jars, or even just squeezing a stress ball can contribute to your overall grip strength.

Listen to Your Body

Pay attention to any signs of discomfort or strain in your hands, wrists, or forearms. If you start to feel pain, give your muscles time to rest and recover. Pushing through pain can lead to serious injury.

Final Thoughts

Incorporating grip strength exercises into your routine requires consistency and patience. Listen to your body, focus on proper form, and progressively increase the resistance to ensure continuous improvement. And remember, the benefits of stronger grip extend beyond the gym, enhancing your daily life and activities.

By equipping yourself with the knowledge from this guide and choosing the right grip strengthener, you’re setting the stage for a stronger, more capable grip. If you’re on the hunt for a new one, check out our review guides below to find a great choice. 

Grip Strengthener Review Guides