How Rock Climbing can change You

Hi I’m Lydiascapes. I’m a rock climber.

Besides travelling the world which is a rather costly but addictive ‘hobby’, I fuel my adventurous and free spirit by doing a sport that not only keeps me fit, but builds me in so many ways that I will share progressively.

Lydiascapes Rock climbing at long dong taiwan | Crazy Rock Climbing
Rock climbing in Long Dong Taiwan in August 2015
Belayer at Climb Central Singapore. Me at an indoor climbing gym in Singapore. Photo credited to Kai Reuber.
Me at an indoor climbing gym in Singapore. Photo credited to Kai Reuber.

How did I get myself into this crazy rock climbing sport in the first place?

It started 6 years ago, initially as just a casual one-off climbing excursion to the climbing gym led by my mountaineering friend Teshil. Subsequently, something that was just a ‘once a month or two’ hobby and exercise became a bit more serious when I wanted to experience my first outdoor natural rock climbing expedition at Batu Caves organized by Onsight Climbing Gym.

However the expedition required you to have a Level 1 Climbing Certification as well as your own climbing gear. And that’s when I was pushed to get my first rock climbing beginner gear set from Campers’ Corner – which consists of a pretty turqoise and red Black Diamond Harness, Petzl belay device, chalk and my 1st pair of Mad Rock Climbing Shoes. And since then, there is no turning back since then.

Welcome to the world of crazy rock climbing…

My very first natural rock climb, the youth and innocence still brinking from my face.
My very first natural rock climb in 2013, that youth and innocence still brimming from my face 😉
My Very First Set of Rock Climbing Gear | Crazy Rock Climbing Hobby I embarked on
My Very First Set of Rock Climbing Gear.

Thinking of getting your first set of rock climbing gear in Singapore? Read more about what gear to get

But little did I know that it was one hobby that was going to stretch me beyond what I could be.

Here are some great benefits reasons why you should pick up this rock climbing sport for yourself:

Non Physical and Physical Benefits of Rock Climbing

1. Rock Climber Body – You get tone and fit beyond your own expectations

The rock climbing body form.

Everyone who has embarked on this sport has gradually over time seen a significant change in their body. Some of the physical benefits of rock climbing are toner arms, defined shoulder back or a rock strong core ( or the occasional pecks if you watch your diet).

Continuous climbing and improving your rock climbing techniques and skills over time also helps you stay active (loss body fat and gain muscle) and look young longer. You do not even need to hit the gym, lift dumbbells or do cross fit circuits to get that.

2. You challenge your physical and mental capacity

This is the one thing that gets people addicted to rock climbing – the sheer kick from outdo-ing yourself beyong physically, but mentally. Rock climbing forces you out of your comfort zone and puts you in a situation to test your mental endurance over your physical. When your mental gives in and fear/ doubt kicks in while you are attempting a route; so does your strength, as your energy will get drained way faster in a state of fear.

rock climbing limestone rocks at railey island, Krabi Thailand
Rock climbing limestone rocks at Railey Island, Krabi Thailand. Full concentration needed to get yourself up that wall.

So in outdoor rock climbing; where it is just you and the aim of reaching the top of the wall, fear will kick in midway faster than exhaustion, you have to think quickly how to discipline your body to push harder for one last lap. Call it adrenaline kick, but when you occasionally do psycho yourself to do something your body is reluctant, and you overcome your limitations, the sheer pleasure from that conquer is amazing. All that only comes with constant practise to improve your rock climbing techniques, whether at home doing a home workout on the hangboard or even going rock climbing when you travel.

Stress Releaser

Another reason is that climbing is a very good stress releaser, after a long intense day of work.
A few climbs will have your worries cleared off your head, as you will be too busy focusing on the climbing route and not having any other headspace for work worries and other anxieties.

Rock climbing pushes you physically and tests your endurance | rock climbing techniques | Rock Climber Body
Rock climbing pushes you physically and tests your endurance on the toughest routes. So it’s important to constantly improve your rock climbing techniques. This was taken at Batu Caves Kuala Lumpur.

You will be surprise, but more and more parents are introducing climbing to their kids now, so that they can build these critical mental skills for a child at a young developmental age.

3. Rock Climbing brings you places

Knowing how to rock climb, set up routes in natural outdoor scenerios and understanding safety rules, it allows for you to go further in your travels, discover more off-beaten tracks, unbelievable views and perspectives you can’t get on normal foot.

Overcoming your fear of heights and the outdoors when rock climbing | Rock Climbing Asia and Beyond, in this case Long Dong Taiwan
Being forced to overcoming your fear of heights and the outdoors when rock climbing. Despite all that, the scenery is breathtaking!

So far, rock climbing has brought me heights and places from Batu Caves in Kuala Lumpur to Krabi in Thailand to Long Dong Taiwan to as far as Bronkies at Johannesburg South Africa.

All these adventures have given one a perspective and view unlike any other, from sunsets climbs to deep water solo over the crashing waters. With your feet dangling from a small rock with full dependence on you hardy rope overlooking the ocean, it does make you feel your life so tangibly fragile yet so fortunate.

What is the difference between Free Climbing and Free Solo?

Rock climbing at The Bronkies in South Africa
Rock climbing at The Bronkies in South Africa near to sunset timing. Photo credited to Joe.

Check Out Climbing Destinantions Around the World
All of Europe | All of Asia | All of Africa

(However having said that, one must take a lot of precautions and preparation before making an outdoor expedition trip, from stocking up/ buying rock climbing gear in Singapore, gear checks during the trip to training hard to waterproof safety backups)

Rock Climbing in Asia - Attempting Deep Water Solo at Krabi Thailand | The craziest thing I have ever attempted.
Rock Climbing in Asia – Attempting Deep Water Solo at Krabi Thailand. The craziest thing I have ever attempted. Photo credited to Wu Zhuoyi

4. Rock Climbing creates bonds and tight friendships

Rock climbers are probably the 2nd warmest community of people after the hospitality industry which I am currently in. People you meet in the climbing gym are usually very friendly, helpful and generally look out for each other. You can’t pick up rock climbing or bouldering for more than a month without making at least 2-3 friends, unless you stubbornly refuse to make eye contact with anyone.

Everyone in a rock climbing gym/ bouldering gym is always quick to share suggestions on routes, how to improve rock climbing techniques, places to buy gear and stories/ countries to visit to climb at – like Thailand, China etc. Some of these climbing buddies may also end up being your long term good pals given you guys probably have the same insane love for adventure and trying new things. One of my good climbing pals Shiree is also my fellow ski/ snowboarding pal.

Benefits of Rock climbing - Make buddies and friends at Rock Climbing at Onsight
Benefits of Rock climbing – Make buddies at the rock gyms
Female Rock Climbers! Climbing Girls that loves adventure. Climbing at Batu Caves Kuala Lumpur | Rock climbing body = strong arms and core
Climbing Girls Tiffany and Loveshinny Stars that loves adventure. Rock climber body = strong arms and core

Rock Climbing Gyms in Singapore – Where they are? Discover the full list

In conclusion, there are so many reasons and benefits of rock climbing and bouldering, whether it is indoors or outdoor. It builds you up, strengthen and can even restore you to get that healthy rock climber body and form we all want.

It is a sport that allows you to encounter new experiences every day, heighten adrenaline and constant thrill for the adventure seeker in you.

So what are you waiting for, embrace this sport and see how far it can bring you. It will definitely change your perspective and mindset like it changed mine.

"Keep looking up, that's the secret of Life" - Snoopy. Me and my whole pile of rock climbing gear in Singapore | Crazy Rock Climbing
“Keep looking up, that’s the secret of Life” – Snoopy. Me and my whole pile of rock climbing gear in Singapore

If you are already a climber, here’s some reviews and recommendations on how to buy your 1st pair of rock climbing shoes and equipment.

So tell me, is Rock Climbing Crazy or Incredible?

Rock Climbing Benefits - How to achieve the rock climber's body

Looking for recommendations of the Best Climbing Gear and Brands to go for?
Check out my personal picks.

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  • Avatar of Simon
    February 22, 2016 at 4:42 pm

    Looks like I will finally give rock climbing a try, after procrastinating over it for years. Thanks for inspiring me with this article.

    • Avatar of Lydiascapes
      March 4, 2016 at 8:25 am

      Thats awesome Simon, glad that this article has inspired you to try climbing. Its never too late to try 😉

  • Avatar of adam youard
    adam youard
    March 18, 2016 at 3:22 am

    Great story .climbing is awesome here in Australia.come and see.
    Quick question .why is there a security fence about 3 metres from the cliff face in the second last picture?

    • Avatar of Lydiascapes
      March 18, 2016 at 5:05 pm

      Heyz Adam!
      Great observation, yes there is a water plant next to this climbing spot at Batu Caves KL. You can actually see what’s over the fence when you go up the route!

  • Avatar of Renuka Walter
    Renuka Walter
    June 18, 2018 at 12:57 pm

    Wow! So adventurous! Yes, I do agree that rock climbing and other such activities can change you. You definitely come out of your comfort zone and get more inclined towards fitness and outdoor world.

    • Avatar of Lydia Yang
      Lydia Yang
      June 18, 2018 at 8:55 pm

      Coming out of the comfort zone is an indeed life-changing experience, Renuka! I warmly recommend the outdoor world to anyone as it’s great to push your limits once in a while. 🙂

  • Avatar of Kyle Banzon
    Kyle Banzon
    July 31, 2019 at 8:20 am

    The article makes me wish I started climbing sooner than I did haha. I love climbing for all the same reasons. I was curious if you would be willing to add me in your board on Pinterest on rock climbing, I’m still new to the Pinterest/ blogging life so I’m still trying to figure things out…

    • Avatar of Lydia Yang
      Lydia Yang
      July 31, 2019 at 5:31 pm

      Hi Kyle, I think we all wish we could have started climbing earlier:)) But better late than never! Have you already raise a request to be added on the Pinterest board? What’s your ID?

  • Avatar of rachel frampton
    rachel frampton
    February 1, 2021 at 3:40 pm

    My husband and I would like to try rock climbing, which is why we’re currently looking for a Zion national park guide service that may help us out. Well, it’s good to know that this type of sport has good physical benefits. Aside from this, I also agree with you that this may help clear our minds.

    • Avatar of Lydia Yang
      Lydia Yang
      February 1, 2021 at 10:27 pm

      Yes, you should really give it a try Rachel. It is such great fun and a bonding activity with your husband too:)

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